
I am a lifelong beekeeper. I got my first bees for my 13th birthday, and have been fascinated by them ever since. After keeping bees in my parents backyard for several years I left for college and figured I was done keeping bees. Upon arriving at Warren Wilson College in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina I was almost immediately assigned to take care of the college's apiary as part of my work assignment.
The spring after graduating with a degree in Biochemistry, I was hired on temporarily with a small commercial beekeeper, and fell in love with the long days associated with being a "pro". I was completely unphased by the 14+ hour days outside. After that I went on to work for a larger migratory outfit that kept thousands of hives for queen and honey production, along with pollination.
Upon returning to Central Ohio in the summer of 2019 I thought I was going to be on another break from bees, but a hive had swarmed into some old boxes I had stored outside, and I took it as a sign that I should continue keeping bees. From that one hive I have built my operation up to over a hundred hives producing honey, pollen, beeswax, queen bees, and nucleus colones. I am especially passionate about raising locally adapted bees that can survive our tricky Ohio winters.
-Chris Cree