Nucleus Colonies

We are happy to be offering 5 frame deep and a limited number of 10 frame medium nucleus colonies this year. 5 frame deep Nucs will be at least 3 frames of brood, one frame of food, and another frame with a mix. They will be sold in 5 frame closable transport boxes that are yours to keep. (they make great swarm catching boxes) No frame exchange, box deposit/return necessary. 

10 Frame medium nucs will contain no less than 6 frames of brood, and be sold in a medium box with a lid and screened bottom for transport. 

These nucs will be made in Central Ohio from our own colonies overwintered in Ohio. They are not being made from bees recently returned from California Almonds or other distant locations. All of the queens in the nucs we sell are the raised in-house and are the same exact bees we run in our own operation. We DO NOT import queens from far away locals to make these nucs in May.  We are inspected and certified by Ohio Department of Agriculture. 

 Pick up location will be near Lancaster,OH. Deposits are non-refundable unless we are  unable to provide your nuc for any reason. This year we are offering two nucleus options.

Overwintered Nucs 

We are happy to be offering a limited number of overwintered nucs this season. They were made in the summer of 2024, with our queen stock, and overwintered here in Ohio as a complete unit. Pick up in Late April or Early May. Exact dates TBD. 
5 frame Deep-$225 w/ $100 deposit

(SOLD OUT FOR 2025) 

10FR medium $260 w/ $100 deposit.

(SOLD OUT FOR 2025) 


Spring Nucs

These nuc's will be made with a fresh 2024 Ohio raised and bred queen. Pick up in early June. Exact dates dependent on weather. 

5 frame deep- $200 w/ $100 deposit.

10fr medium -$230 w/$100 deposit

Deposits can be made here 


Contact to place your order, or with any questions.